Whirlwind Wind Turbines
Domestic Installations
Whirlwind Wind Turbines are suitable for domestic installations.
- They can be fixed to a building
- No mast is required
- They can be operational at ground level (see video)
Commercial Installations
Whirlwind Wind Turbines are suitable for commercial installations.
- They do not need to be high up in the air to operate
- They can be mounted on buildings
- They can be operational at ground level (see video)
- Rugged construction with only one moving part
Advisory installation notes:
It is advisable to find the best wind position of the site, taking advantage of uninterrupted wind from as many directions as possible. Trees, buildings and terrain can make wind dead spots.
There is no hard and fast rule to installation of the Whirlwind because every situation is different, whether mounted on a pole, column or building. The mounting must be secure and have adequate foundations depending on the geology of the terrain. This can only be determined on site.
Make a plate to accommodate the generator on the pole/column or building, to which the generator is to be fixed. We have used both steel and glass fibre reinforced marine ply.
To fix Whirlwind to the mounting remove four opposing bolts from the generator. Using longer bolts to accommodate the mounting plate, fix securely to the plate.
It is advisable to use a vibration reducing pad between the generator and plate for mountings on buildings.
Please contact us if you need any advice regarding the installation of Whirlwind wind turbines.